Antički Sikuli 2 Katalog izložbe / Exhibition catalogue Antički Sikuli / Ancient Siculi Izdavač / Publisher Muzej grada Kaštela / The Municipal Museum of Kaštela Brce 1, dvorac Vitturi, 21215 Kaštel Lukšić Tel.: 021260245 Fax.: 021260249 E-mail: Za izdavača / For the publisher Ankica Babin Autori izložbe / Authors of the exhibition Ivanka Kamenjarin Ivan Šuta Autori tekstova u katalogu / Authors of the texts Ivanka Kamenjarin Ivan Šuta Maja Bonačić Mandinić Jane Sanford Konzervacija i restauracija / Conservation and restoration Marko Rogošić, Ika Prpa Stojanac, David Milić, Ante Jureškin, Ivo Svilan, Šime Perović, Ivo Donelli, Ivan Sikavica, Vinka Marinković, Siniša Bizjak Lektura / Language editor Marina Ležaja Prijevod na engleski / English translation Tamara Tomić Grčić Graičko oblikovanje i prijelom / Prepress service and layout Neven Marin Fotograije / Photographs Tonko Bartulović, Ivan Šuta, Ivanka Kamenjarin, Ivan Carev Živko Bačić, Irena Radić Rossi, Sanja Acalija Crteži / Drawings Dominik Žanić i Nikolina Putica Tisak / Printing Dalmacijapapir Naklada / Number of copies 500 kom. Izložba i katalog realizirani su sredstvima Grada Kaštela, Agencije Eko Kaštelanski zaljev i tvrtke Cemex Hrvatska d.d. The exhibition and catalogue were inanced by the City of Kaštela, Eco Kaštela Bay Agency and Cemex Croatia ISBN 978-953-7276-23-2 CIP zapis dostupan u računalnom katalogu Sveučilišne knjižnice u Splitu pod brojem 140219094 © MUZEJ GRADA KAŠTELA Nijedan se dio ove knjige ne smije, bilo kako, umnožavati ni preslikavati bez nakladnikova dopuštenja Antički Sikuli K ATA LO G I Z LO Ž B E Kaštela, 2011. 4 5 Kazalo/Table of Contents: Ivanka Kamenjarin - Ivan Šuta Predgovor / Introduction 7 Ivanka Kamenjarin Povijest istraživanja / History of Research 9 Ivan Šuta Povijesni okvir / Historical Context 19 Ivan Šuta Arheološka topograija okolnog područja / Archaeological Topography of the Surrounding Area 25 Ivan Šuta Organizacija i arhitektura naselja iz 2. i 1. st. pr. Kr. / Organization and Architecture of the First Phase of the Settlement (2nd and 1st century BC) 31 Ivan Šuta Organizacija i arhitektura druge faze naselja (1.-5. st. po. Kr.) Organization and Architecture of the 2nd Phase of the Settlement (1st-5th Century AD) 39 Ivan Šuta Istraživanja na incidentnom preljevu Research Conducted at the Location of the Spill Containment System 45 Ivanka Kamenjarin Nekropole / Necropolis 55 Ivanka Kamenjarin Fina kuhinjska keramika / Fine Kitchen Ware 65 Ivan Šuta Gruba keramika iz 2. i 1. st. pr. Kr. / Rough Pottery Dated to the 2nd and 1st Century BC 73 Ivan Šuta Amfore iz 2. i 1. st. pr. Kr. / Amphorae (2nd and 1st Century BC) 77 Ivan Šuta Pitosi / Doliji / Pithoi / Dolia 87 Ivan Šuta Utezi za tkalački stan / Loom Weights 91 Ivanka Kamenjarin Žrtvenici / Altars 95 Ivan Šuta Luteriji / Louterions (Labri) 101 Ivan Šuta Žrvnjevi i nakovnji / Grindstones and Anvils 105 Ivanka Kamenjarin Koštani i artefakti od školjki / Bone and Shell Artifacts 111 Ivanka Kamenjarin Fibule / Fibulae 119 Ivanka Kamenjarin Oruđe i oružje / Tools and Weapons 125 Ivanka Kamenjarin Razni metalni predmeti / Miscellaneous Metal Objects 129 Maja Bonačić Mandinić Antički novac / Ancient Coins 133 Ivanka Kamenjarin Perle, žetoni i geme / Pearls, Game Pieces and Gems 145 Jane Sanford Zooarheološka analiza (sažetak) / The Zooarchaeological Analysis (summary) 151 Literatura, povijesni izvori i skraćenice / Bibliography, Historical Sources and Abbreviations 159 111 Koštani i artefakti od školjki Bone and Shell Artifacts Ivanka Kamenjarin Ivanka Kamenjarin Koštani predmeti najčešće su služili za osobnu higijenu, kao kozmetički pribor, nakit, alatke za izradu odjeće, razne drške (noževa, stilusa, britvi). Također se javljaju kao predmeti za igru, kazališne ulaznice, dijelove muzičkih instrumenata. Kost je bila dostupna, lako se obrađuje i relativno je jeftina, osim, naravno, slonovače. Može se nabaviti svugdje gdje ima životinja, odnosno gdje postoje stočarstvo i lov. Radionice za obradu kostiju nisu puno zahtjevne, mogu se praktično otvoriti bilo gdje jer im ne treba skupa ni velika oprema. Manjkavost predmeta izrađenih od kostiju je dimenzija koja ograničava veličinu predmeta (Ivčević, 2002a., 334.-336.). Objects made of bone were usually used for personal hygiene, as cosmetic accessorizes, jewellery, tools for clothes making, and various handles (of knives, styluses, razors). They were also used for games, as theatre tickets or parts of musical instruments. Bones were available, easy to treat and relatively cheap, apart from ivory, of course. It was possible to acquire them at all places where animals existed, or to be more precise, in the areas where cattle breeding or hunting existed. Workshops for bone treatment were not very demanding, they could be established practically anywhere since they did not require expensive or large equipment. The bad side of bone-made objects are dimensions of bones which limit dimensions of the object (Ivčević, 2002a, 334-336). Igle - ukosnice od kostiju počinju se koristiti s Etrušćanima i preuzimaju ih Rimljani. Mlade rimske djevojke nose puštenu kosu niz vrat ili uvijenu u punđu, dok su starije, udane žene, nosile kompliciranije frizure. Nikada nisu nosile kratku kosu. Kosa se i bojala, a nosile su se i perike. Ukosnice su vrlo čest nalaz na rimskim lokalitetima kroz cijelo razdoblje. Brojnost u uporabi zavisila je od trenutne mode koja je u to vrijeme bila manje ili više komplicirana. Služile su i za raščešljavanje i dijeljenje pramenova, te oblikovanje frizura. Za ovo su najčešće korištene igle s jednostavnim malim glavicama koje se javljaju od ranorimskog do kasnoantičkog doba. Tragovi paljenja na vrhovima igala možda govore kako su se igle koristile i u kozmetičke svrhe, kod apliciranja nekog materijala koji je zahtijevao grijanje, možda vosak koji je držao kosu u redu. Primjerci s ušiljenim kratkim dijelom na jednom ili oba kraja, koji je stanjivanjem izdvojen iz tijela, predstavljaju predmete koji se svrstavaju i u igle i u pisaljke i u šila. Dulji primjerci služili su kao ukosnice, ali i kao pomagala kod pletenja kose. Također su mogle služiti kao igle za kopčanje krajeva lagane vunene odjeće. Dugo traju nepromjenjeni te su teški za datirati (Koščević, 2008., 248.– 249.). Primjerak s Resnika s tragovima metala na jednom kraju mogao bi svrstati ovu iglu u pisaljke. Hair pins made of bone were irst used by Etruscans and after by Romans. Young Roman girls wore their hair down or in a chignon, while older, married women wore more complicated hairstyles. They never wore short hair. The hair was sometimes dyed, and wigs were also in usage. Hair pins are very common ind at Roman sites during the whole period. The number of pins in usage depended on current fashion, which was more or less complicated. They were also used for combing or dividing strands of hair, as well as to make a certain hairstyle. Pins with simple small heads which existed from early Roman to Late Antiquity period were usually used for this purpose. Burning marks at the end of some pins may be a proof of their usage for cosmetic purposes, for application of some materials which needed to be heated, maybe wax, which was used to keep hair in place. Examples with short pointed tips, which have been thinned out of the body, at one or both ends represent the objects which could be pins, styles or awls. Longer examples were used as hair pins, and as aids for hair braiding as well. They could have also been used as pins for fastening the ends of light woollen clothes. They existed over a long period without changing, so they are diicult to date (Koščević, 2008, 248–249). The example found at Resnik has traces of metal at one end and it could have been used as a style. 112 Astragals Astragali Astragal is a name of the bone which denotes an ankle joint and it originates from the Greek word astragalos, but in plural it means gambling. These bones were basis of many ancient games, as well as basis for prophesying. Astragal of a sheep or a goat is of smaller dimensions, square-shaped with round edges. Protrusions and recesses at each side of the bone are not big, but they are characteristic and easy to distinguish. Natural protrusions used to be removed in order to latten the surfaces and equalize the probability of fall on each side. Diferent combinations with their names and values are known. These bones are more enduring due to their lack of bone marrow (Jurišić, 1996, 66). Perforations, which can often be seen on them, were usually used to thread the pieces on a string, as a pendant or to enable easier carrying. Perforated pieces, as well as one astragal painted red, were found at Resnik. This could be put in relation with prophesying and cult usage of the mentioned objects. Astragal je naziv za kost koja označava gležanj, članak i potječe od grčke riječi astragalos, ali u množini označava kockanje. Ove kosti su osnova mnogih antičkih igara, ali i osnova za proricanje. Astragali ovaca ili koza su manjih dimenzija, četvrtastog oblika sa zaobljenim stranicama. Izbočine i udubine niti na jednoj strani kosti nisu velike, ali su karakteristične i lako se razlikuju. Odstranjivane su prirodne izbočine na kosti kako bi se izravnale plohe i time ujednačila vjerojatnost pada na svaku od njih. Poznate su različite kombinacije sa svojim imenima i vrijednostima. Zbog nedostatka koštane moždine, trajnije su od drugih kostiju (Jurišić, 1996., 66.). Perforacije, koje nalazimo na njima, obično su služile za nizanje pojedinih komada na uzici, bilo kao privjesak, bilo zbog lakšeg nošenja. Na Resniku imamo također perforirane primjerke, ali i jedan astragal bojan crvenom bojom, što se može povezati uz proricanje i kultnu ulogu. These objects existed in the Mediterranean area since Neolithic, but they were most common in the Roman period, and we can ind them well documented in written sources. They were used for games during the Middle Ages, and they are still being used for that purpose in some cattle-breeding societies (for example in Mongolia where they are used to invoke fertility of the cattle (Bakarić 2008, 118)). One bronze astragal that was discovered could have been used for prophesying since only the ones made of bone were mentioned as being game utensils by antique writers. Nalazimo ih na Mediteranu još od neolita, a najpoznatiji su u rimsko doba gdje su dobro dokumentirani u pisanim izvorima. Bili su dio igre i u srednjem vijeku, pa i do danas u nekim stočarski orijentiranim društvima (npr. Mongolija, gdje služe kod zazivanja plodnosti stoke (Bakarić 2008., 118.)). Nalaz brončanog astragala mogao je služiti kod proricanja jer se kod antičkih pisaca spominju jedino koštani kao igrači pribor. Ivanka Kamenjarin - Koštani i artefakti od školjki / Bone and Shell Artifacts 113 Inv. broj 2826, PN 293, S I, kvadrant 9, visina 140-150, SJ 21, 19. 05. 2007. Nalaz: truba Materijal: morski puž Opis: Morski puž triton (Charonia Tritonis) sačuvan u cjelosti. Sekundarno upotrebljen kao puhaći instrument probijanjem rupice na dnu pužnice. Dimenzije: duž. 24 cm, š. 11. 5 cm Datacija: 3 - 4 st pos. Kr Inv. number 2826, special ind 293, trench I, quadrant 9, depth 140-150, stratigraphy unit 21, 19.05. 2007 Find: horn Material: Charonia Tritonis shell Description: Charonia Tritonis shell preserved completely. It has been used secondary as a wind instrument by punching holes in the bottom of the cochlea. Dimensions: length 24 cm, width 11,5 cm Datation: 3rd-4th century AD Inv. broj 2540, incidentni preljev 2005. Nalaz: šivaća igla Materijal: kost Opis: vrh igle je neznatno zašiljen, tijelo igle je kružnog prosjeka, pri vrhu šira nego na dnu, rupica je pravokutnog oblika. Nema šiljasto dno, nego je koso odrezana. Dimenzije: duž. 83 mm Datacija: Carstvo Inv. number 2540, Incidental spillover system 2005. Find: sewing needle Material: bone Description: tip of the needle is insigniicantly pointed, body is round in cross section, wider at the top than at the bottom, little hole is of a rectangular shape. Bottom is not pointed but cut on the bias. Dimensions: length 83 mm Datation: Roman Empire Inv. broj 2542, incidentni preljev 2005. Nalaz: šivaća igla Materijal: kost Opis: vrh igle je zaravnjen i stanjen tako da je gornji dio pravokutnog presjeka, dok je donji kružnog. Ima tri rupice od kojih središnja ima oblik triju međusobno spojenih okruglih rupica, ostale dvije rupice su kružnog oblika. Dno igle nije šiljasto, već koso odrezana na jednoj strani. Dimenzije: duž. 83 mm Datacija: Carstvo Inv. number 2542, Incidental spillover system 2005. Find: sewing needle Material: bone Description: top of the needle is lattened and thinned so the upper part is rectangular in cross section, while the bottom part is circular. There are three little holes in the needle, and the middle one is shaped as three mutually connected holes, while the other two are of a round shape. The bottom of the needle is not pointed, but cut on the bias at one side. Dimensions: length 83 mm Datation: Roman Empire 114 Inv. number 3905, special ind 121, quadrant 24, depth 61-71, stratigraphy unit 27, 16 Feb 2007. Find: pin Material: bone Description: elongated spindle-shaped object pointed at one end, and broken at the other end. It gets wider from the top to the bottom; upper top is thickened and ends in a shallow cone. Dimensions: length 95 mm Datation: 1st-4th century AD Inv. number 3902, special ind 449, trench II, quadrant 23, depth 85, stratigraphy unit 43 Find: pin Material: bone Description: upper part is thickened, with a cone-like end; the other end was evenly broken. It is wider at one side and gets narrower towards the other end. Dimensions: length 105 mm Datation: 1st-4th century AD 3905 3902 Inv. number 3901, special ind 361, quadrant 18, depth 61, stratigraphy unit 29, 16 Jun 2007. Find: hair pin Material: bone Description: fragment of a hair pin; only the upper part of the body and the head of the pin shaped as a bust of a woman standing on the round base have been preserved. Her hair is arranged in a high chignon. Dimensions: width 52 mm, diameter of the head at its widest part 14 mm, diameter of the body12 mm Datation: second half of the 1st-2nd century AD Inv. br. 3901, PN 361, 16. 06. 2007., kvadrant 18, dubina 61, sj 29 Nalaz: ukosnica Materijal: kost Opis: Ulomak ukosnice, sačuvan samo gornji dio tijela i glava ukosnice koja je u obliku poprsja žene na kuglastoj bazi. Kosa visoko podignuta u punđu. Dimenzije: duž. 52 mm, pr. glave na najširem dijelu 14 mm, pr. tijela 12 mm Datacija: 2. pol. 1. st. - 2. st po. Kr. Inv. broj 3905, PN 121, kvadrant 24, visina 61-71, SJ 27, 16. 02. 2007. Nalaz: igla Materijal: kost Opis: Duguljasti vretenasti predmet zašiljen na jednom kraju, a drugi je puknut. Od vrha prema dnu se širi, gornji vrh je zadebljan i završava plitkim stošcem. Dimenzije: duž. 95 mm Datacija: 1. – 4. st po.Kr. Inv. broj 3902, PN 449, SII, kvadrant 23, visina 85, SJ 43 Nalaz: igla Materijal: kost Opis: gornji dio zadebljan sa stožastim završetkom, drugi kraj je ravno puknuo. Na jednoj strani širi te se sužava prema drugom kraju. Dimenzije: duž. 105 mm Datacija: 1. – 4. st. po. Kr. Ivanka Kamenjarin - Koštani i artefakti od školjki / Bone and Shell Artifacts 115 Inv. broj 3900, PN 380, S I, kvadrant 19, visina 65, SJ 31, 20.06. 2007. Nalaz: igla Materijal: kost Opis: vretenasto oblikovano tijelo, uglačano, nedostaje glava, središnje ispupčenje je obilježeno oštrim rubom, te naglašeno suženo zašiljeno dno. Dimenzije: duž. 101 mm Inv. number 3900, special ind 380, trench I, quadrant 19, depth 65, stratigraphy unit 31, 20 jun 2007. Find: pin Material: bone Description: spindle-shaped body is polished, head is missing, the protrusion in the middle is marked by a sharp edge, and a narrower pointed bottom is accentuated. Dimensions: length 101 mm Inv. broj 3898, PN 597, S I, kvadrant 13, visina 96, SJ 45, 23.08. 2007. Nalaz: ukosnica Materijal: kost Opis: vretenasto tijelo, neukrašena glava je kuglasta, nedostaje zaoštren vrh tijela. Dimenzije: duž. 96 mm, promjer glave 6 mm, Datacija: 3. – 4. st. pos. Kr. Inv. number 3898, special ind 597, trench I, quadrant 13, depth 96, stratigraphy unit 45, 23 Aug 2007. Find: hair pin Material: bone Description: spindle-shaped body, round head is without decorations, pointed top of the body is missing. Dimensions: length 96 mm, diameter of the head 6 mm Datation: 3rd-4th century AD Inv. broj 3899, PN 440, S I, kvadrant 20, visina 96, SJ 41, 06. 07. 2007. Nalaz: privjesak Opis: kost ptice, najvjerojatnije od krila, na zglobu pravilna kružna rupica. Dimenzije: duž. 53 mm. Inv. number 3899, special ind 440, trench I, quadrant 20, depth 96, stratigraphy unit 41, 6 Jul 2007. Find: pendant Description: bone, birds, wings, a regular round hole at the joint. Dimensions: length 53 mm Inv. broj 3897, S I, PN 634, kvadrant 12, visina 122, SJ 59 Nalaz: stilus (pisaljka) Materijal: kost Opis: Ima vretenasto oblikovano tijelo koje ima središnje ispupčenje, cijeli je taj dio poprimio zelenu boju od bronce koja je očuvana u tragovima. Drugi kraj je otkinut. Dimenzije: duž. 90 mm Inv. number 3897, trench I, special ind 634, quadrant 12, depth 122, stratigraphy unit 59 Find: stylus Material: bone Description: spindle-shaped body with a protrusion in the middle; the whole middle part has acquired green colour because of the bronze, only traces of which have been preserved. Dimensions: length 90 mm 116 Inv. number 3903, special ind 203a, trench II, quadrant 35, depth 35, gr. 4, 24 Apr 2007. Find: hair pin Material: bone Description: body is separated from the head with three horizontal cuts, the head is shaped as undecorated cone, and the end is broken. Dimensions: length 68 mm Inv. number 3904, special ind 203b, trench II, quadrant 35, depth 35, gr 4, 24 Apr 2007. Find: lid of a hair pin Description: shaped as an acorn, it even has a little neck at the top; it is decorated with horizontal concentric circles. There is a regular round hole at the bottom, which was used to put the end of the pin in it. Dimensions: height 17 mm Inv. number 3906, special ind 732, trench I, quadrant 19, 18, depth 7683, 19, stratigraphy unit 31, 16 Aug 2007. Find: handle Description: semi-circular ring with a chipped-of end, oval in cross-section. There might have been a decoration at the outer side, but it is damaged, scraped. Dimensions: diameter 32 mm, thickness 8 mm Datation: Roman Empire Inv. number 3890, quadrant 19, stratigraphy unit 31, Resnik 2007. Find: spindle whorl Material: bone Description: a round biconical spindle whorl, with a hole in the middle; one side is polished and the other is worn-down. It is made of the head of a thigh bone (femur). Dimensions: diameter 39 mm, height 26 mm Inv. number 3913, special ind 91, Resnik 2, trial trench III, depth 205, stratigraphy unit 10, 7 Dec 2007. Find: pendant Material: cockle shell Description: half of a small shell with a hole in the upper part. Dimensions: width 24 mm Inv. broj 3903, PN 203a, S II, kvadrat 35, visina 35, gr. 4, 24. 04. 2007. Nalaz: ukosnica Materijal: kost Opis: tijelo je odijeljeno od glave s tri vodoravna ureza, glava ima oblik neukrašene šiške, kraj je puknut. Dimenzije: duž. 68 mm Inv. broj 3904, PN 203b, S II, kvadrant 35, visina 35, gr 4, 24.04. 2007. Nalaz: čep za ukosnicu Opis: ima oblik žira, čak ima na vrhu mali vršak, ukrašen je vodoravnim koncentričnim krugovima. Na dnu je pravilna kružna rupa u koju se stavljao kraj ukosnice. Dimenzije: vis. 17 mm Inv. broj 3906, PN 732, S I, kvadrant 19,18, visina 76 - 83, SJ 31, 16.08. 2007. Nalaz: ručka Opis: Polukružna alka odlomljenog kraja, ovalni presjek. Moguće da je na vanjskoj strani bio ukras koji je oštećen grebanjem. Dimenzije: promjer 32 mm, debljina 8 mm Datacija: Carstvo Inv. broj 3890, kvadrant 19, sj 31, Resnik 2007. Nalaz: pršljen Materijal: kost Opis: okrugli bikonični pršljen za vreteno s rupom u sredini, jedna strana je uglačana a druga istrošena. Izrađeno od glave bedrene kosti (femur). Dimenzije: promjer 39 mm, v. 26 mm Inv. broj 3913, PN 91, Resnik 2, PS III, visina 205, SJ 10, 7. 12. 2007. Nalaz: privjesak Materijal: školjka srčanka Opis: polovica male školjke s rupicom u gornjem dijelu Dimenzije: š. 24 mm 3913 3903 3904 3906 3890 Ivanka Kamenjarin - Koštani i artefakti od školjki / Bone and Shell Artifacts Inv. broj 3914, PN 512, S II, kvadrant 23, visina 80, SJ 27, 9.08. 2007. Nalaz: privjesak Materijal: školjka jakovljeva kapica Opis: četvtina veće školjke s rupicom na gornjem izduženom dijelu. Dimenzije: d. 72 mm, š. 56 mm Inv. broj 3894, PN 451, S I, kvadrant 16, visina 78, SJ 33, 12. 07. 2007. Nalaz: astragal Materijal: kost Opis: kost skočnog zgloba ovce ili koze koji je bio obojan crvenom bojom Dimenzije: d. 34 mm, š. 22 mm, v. 17 mm Inv. broj 3895, PN 727, S II, kvadrant 34, visina 40-57, SJ 9a. Nalaz: astragal Materijal: kost Opis: kost skočnog zgloba veće životinje, probušen po sredini. Dimenzije: d. 51 mm, š. 33 mm, v. 26 mm Inv. broj 3892, PN 729, S I, kvadrant 18, visina 100-116, SJ 40, 7. 09. 2007. Nalaz: astragal Materijal: kost Opis: kost skočnog zgloba manje životinje (ovce/koze) s rupicom probušenom po sredini Dimenzije: d. 29 mm, š. 19 mm, v. 17 mm Inv. broj 3891, PN 728, S II, kvadrant 23, visina 61-71, SJ 27, 16. 02. 2007. Nalaz: astragal Materijal: kost Opis: kost skočnog zgloba manje životinje (ovce/koze) s rupicom probušenom po sredini Dimenzije: d. 29 mm, š. 18 mm, v. 16 mm 117 Inv. number 3914, special ind 512, trench II, quadrant 23, depth 80, stratigraphy unit 27, 9 Aug 2007. Find: pendant Material: pecten jacobaeus shell Description: quarter of a largish shell with a hole in the elongated upper part. Dimensions: length 72 mm, width 56 mm, Inv. number 3894, special ind 451, trench I, quadrant 16, depth 78, stratigraphy unit 33, 12 Jul 2007. Find: astragal Material: bone Description: a bone from the ankle joint of a sheep or a goat, which used to be coloured red. Dimensions: length 34 mm, width 22 mm, height 17 mm Inv. number 3895, special ind 727, trench II, quadrant 34, depth 40-57, stratigraphy unit 9a. Find: astragal Material: bone Description: a bone from the ankle joint of a larger animal, with a hole in the middle. Dimensions: length 51 mm, width 33 mm, height 26 mm Inv. number 3892, special ind 729, trench I, quadrant 18, depth 100116, stratigraphy unit 40, 7 Sep 2007. Find: astragal Material: bone Description: a bone from the ankle joint of a smaller animal (sheep/goat) with a little hole in the middle. Dimensions: length 29 mm, width 19 mm, height 17 mm Inv. number 3891, special ind 728, trench II, quadrant 23, depth 61-71, stratigraphy unit 27, 16 Feb 2007. Find: astragal Material: bone Description: a bone from the ankle joint of a smaller animal (sheep/goat) with a little hole in the middle. Dimensions: length 29 mm, width 18 mm, height 16 mm 3914 3894 3895 3892 3891